Well as usual I made a stupid statement and now I'm laughing yet embarrassed. I'm talking to DD on the telephone and tell her I will go to mass ( church time for Catholics) on Christmas Eve...even though I get a bit bored as they put the same play on every year and I think I have seen it enough by now. DD say's OMGoodness Mother, are you crazy or something??? Of course it's the same each year, it's the story of the birth of Jesus. Well she of course has to tell hubby and I couldn't help it, I did have to laugh at my stupidity. Please forgive me one and all but you know what I'm all about by now so I guess you can just shake your head and understand. Remember all of those who are less fortunate and try to give of yourself in some small way. We were able to feed almost 400 at the Poverty Program and provide toys for at least that many children. I thank God I have this program to work for as it is surely a blessing to see the happiness we can bring. So many smiles and gratitude from those here in Michigan who are out of work.
May you always have LOVE to share, HEALTH to spare and FRIENDS that care. And may you always believe in the magic of Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you all....Love you dearly, Pat
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Timeless Tuesday & A Joke on my Neighbor

Well Timeless Tuesday on Weds. again but I have been busy so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. We were to use a stencil technique and I got out one of my brass stencils for Christmas which is of a Christmas tree and did a bit of paste and glitter. Easy card...just act like a kid in kindergarten and slap some embossing paste over the brass stencil and then use Prism Glitter and you have a fine sparkly tree. My phrase was done with some gold embossing and slapped on some gold background mat and I'm good to go. Better late then never is my motto for the day.
Funny experience in my post below which just continues on from here so keep reading and looking.

My son came home with this large plastic king about 6 months ago and we have had a blast scaring each other with it. He first put it in my bedroom and when I flipped on the light I nearly had a heart attack seeing this 5' plastic king, but it was so funny. Well I waited very patiently for about a week to 10 days and then I got him back by putting this wonderful king in his shower. Yikes he screamed so loud that I almost had an accident in my panties from laughing. Sooooo....time for some fun with our neighbor next door. He puts this arrangement of lights in the trees and this year he put a spotlight on an angel statue he had added to his garden. My son dressed in all black with a ski mask on trapsed through the woods and snuck up behind the angel and placed the king ( or maybe it is one of the three wisemen...but then again who ever heard of 3 wise men...maybe one would be WISE, but three is kind of stretching it ) behind so when my neighbor hit the lights he would have a great surprise. What fun we had and my neighbor was such a good sport instead of asking me to remove it from his display he wants it left there so everyone who comes for Christmas can get a good kick out of it too. He discovered it was there as he was in his upstairs bathroom perched on his throne having a cigar and opened the window to let the stinky smoke out. Low and behold ...what the heck is that??? P.S. His cat is going crazy over the king apparently she doesn't understand it at all.
This tree creation is eligible for the 2 Red Bananas weekly challenge which is to do some sort of tree. Well I've got the tree so I'm in.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Alteration...old to new

Well today's challenge at notimetostamp is take an old Christmas card and alter it with some of your own stuff or if you want, use somebody else's stuff but in short...change it up a bit. Wish it was that easy in altering things in life...like say the body. Boy what I wouldn't give for my old 20year old body, now that was A-Ok. It's crap getting old because alteration is usually altercation and I've lost my old fight lately. Anyway I got this card in the mail and I was supposed to send a donation in for the pack of 6 but I figure if I'm going to buy a 6 pack it isn't going to be cards. Ho Ho Ho.... I fooled them and kept the cards and kept my money too. All I did to this little gem was to take my sweet Nestie packets out and got cranking as in turning that handle. Used some silver for some background paper and cut a few silver snowflakes and added a pretty stone and colored it dark blue. So see how easy peasy it is to turn a card (you would have probably sent to someone who doesn't deserve a handmade one ) into a piece of you. Happy Friday and happy weekend too.
I'm off to the Poverty Program to pack up the toys for the kids whose parents can't afford toys for them. We are providing to over 300 kids this year and I'm so glad we still are able to do it. Let's be kind to someone who doesn't have the resources this year and surprise them with some love and a small token. Doesn't take much to make a sad person into a glad person & when you do it ...you are glad too.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas Cards...fast n furious

Well I was trying to do fast and quick and rush and all those words that say GO and Get them done. Got most of them done except for a few special type one. This is a simple yet good one for neighbors and "slight friends". Maybe I should say acquaintances or maybe I shouldn't be sending them cards in the first place. I put out my huge Christmas wreath which is covered in beautiful tiny lights. I was the last in my circle ( cul de sac...French for circle) to show I'm still living here. Soon my house will smell of home baked goodies as I found some wonderful candles at the dollar store that are Cinnamon Bun, Carmel Cream and well you know what I mean. Fools those nosy neighbors every time. Happy Wednesday and see you soon.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Wonderful surprise from Queen Felty

Well I received this wonderful surprise from my sweet friend Queen Felty and of course for those of you who visit her blog...she is Janine Orchard who is very talented with the use of none other then felt. Course she has many talents but she really excels in both stamping and felting out the cutest little things. Thanks Janine...you are an adorable friend and I'm so glad to call you friend. Love my special gift dear friend.The card is a match book style and of course with a snowman because Janine loves snowmen as do I. For some great inspiration visit her blog. Well go on and do it !
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tag it Pretty

Well today's challenge at notimetostamp is to make a pretty tag. I have heard of tag..you're it, but not tag you're pretty, so after some deep contemplation I figured it all out and started creating.I'm sure you have heard that old expression...handsome is as handsome does?? Well I'm going with Pretty is as Pretty does. Does that sound good to you ?? Hmmm...pretty tag takes pretty paper and pretty paper needs bling. I went with some beeutiful paper from my favorite paper store in Billings, Montana called Sisters. The store is called Sisters not the paper just in case you're confused and didn't get that. No name on the paper once again and that of course is NOT my fault. Very simply I cut some red cs ( that's card stock) and then my bee..utiful paper and slapped them together gently so as not to cause any pain and then went to work with my blingers. No stamping but hey that's cool isn't it? I think it is. Added some snazy red satin like ribbon that was laying around from Tuesday's challenge and made myself or should say made the tag a loop to hold it to the package and of course the bow is made with the infamous Bow Easy. The snowflakes are from last year's Stampin Up stash and I thought they matched the paper pretty well so I glued them on. So there you have it...tag it pretty and I hope you think I did.
Time for the weekend and I'm laying low as usual...that's what us little old ladies do. Grab a glass of wine, cup of coffee, or whatever you so desire and get in the recliner for a night at the movies. Watched Gran Torino last weekend and the language was really rank but the movie did have a good story line so I guess I have to say I liked it. When you hear those nasty words my mind goes Bleep Bleep and I move on...hope you do to. Have a great weekend and see you next week
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Timeless Tuesday CAS

Well Flourishes Timeless Tuesday is CAS...I thought that was copy and steal but I was WRONG! It's clean and simple and so that's what I did. Used the phrase from one of the Christmas sets and just simply stamped in red, used one of my Nestie die cuts, added some festive ribbon, some punched out holly leaves, a few red stones for berries and done. Picture not so good cause couldn't get the light to co-operate, took it with the card laying on it's belly edge ( one way to get a flat belly huh!) and hoped for the best. Didn't get the best but guess it's not the worst. Plain oops I mean clean and simple. Have a fun Tuesday and see you soon.
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