Hey guess what??? My move in date is now scheduled for between Jan.3rd and 7th. Wahoo! I will go in tomorrow and take some updated pictures now that it's all painted inside. Do you like sage green? Well that's what I chose for my livingroom and carried it through the dinningroom and kitchen. Just wait until you see it before you start shaking your heads. It's a cool and relaxing shade and I know I'll love it. So I'll see you soon with updated pictures..happy week.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Timeless Tuesday....3D it.
Hey guess what??? My move in date is now scheduled for between Jan.3rd and 7th. Wahoo! I will go in tomorrow and take some updated pictures now that it's all painted inside. Do you like sage green? Well that's what I chose for my livingroom and carried it through the dinningroom and kitchen. Just wait until you see it before you start shaking your heads. It's a cool and relaxing shade and I know I'll love it. So I'll see you soon with updated pictures..happy week.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Timeless Tuesday ...use doilie
cranberry colored ink and just did a bit of matting and added a matching velvet ribbon cause let's face it doilies are fancy schamcy so you need classy type ribbon. Don't forget to dippity do down below if you want to see my abode's progress. See you later friends and bloggers.
Update on pictures of my house...Yipee it's almost done!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Card for kids card....to Bela's
You can't, so I whipped up some cards to forward to her and this is one of them. Easy card with a bit of coloring which I love to do anyway. She has a drive going to get some cards for the Christmas season so visit her site and jump in and help. Hope your Thanksgiving was a real humdinger. Lots of turkey and pumpkin pie with tons of whipped cream. We did like the pilgrims did and "gobbled" it down with such a sense of WOW! See you soon and visit Bela's place by clicking here.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Timeless Tuesday...Sketch Challenge

Well, I love sketch challenges and Miss Cindy ( our sweet Canadian Friend) is challenging with a pretty nifty sketch. Easy peasy when someone does the lay out for you. I say ...you go girl ! So I chose the little sweetie mound of snow called a snowman from Flourishes set Warm Winter Wishes and followed the sketch. I love using blue for holiday cards so I decided to be blue or I should say go blue and do a mono type card. Just used my water colored pencils and a bit of ribbon, bling, and some glitter glue. Today was only zero out...yep I did say zero and tonight is supposed to be minus 6-10 degrees. Hey Baby it's cold outside and on Saturday we got about 4-6 inches of snow and since they don't plow here or salt I felt like Sonja Hennie on ice but in my car. If you don't know who Sonja Hennie is well that's Ok cause she goes way back and was
a wonderful ice skater in the 30's and 40's. A kind of Dorothy Hammil of my day and age. So anyhow I hope you all have a great week and I'll see you later.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Timeless Tuesday...Do Christmas
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Cards 4 Kids Update

Children's Hospital of Michigan and a program that not only did I hold dear to my heart but one many of you out there also did. In the past you have sent me cards to gather and then take down into Detroit to be delivered to the hospital. I guess now that I'm gone you think ...so is the program. Not true. If there is anyone out there that lives in the Detroit area that would be willing and able to take on this project I guess I'd have to say..you are an angel and I would be so indebted to you as would the hospital and all the kids. I am presently making cards and altering journals to mail and will continue to do so and so can you. The director in charge is willing to have you mail your cards and or journals directly to her so the program still continues. So until someone is found to take over this program I would ask you to mail cards to...
Children's Hospital of Michigan
Attn: Deanna Scanlon
Child Life Project Specialist
3901 Beaubien
Detroit, MI. 48201
We can all make a difference in a sick child's life by sending them these cards for birthdays, holidays, etc. Remember do not send get well soon cards as some of these children will not be getting well at all. The hospital also needs sympathy cards, thank you cards and thinking of you cards. If you decide to do Christmas cards they must be non religious cards but rather a cute card of Santa Claus or a snowman etc. There are all types of religious kids in the hospital so we do not make them as Christian cards. Thanks for all your help in the past and I hope someone out there is willing to take on this job. The first Valentine's Day drive I collected over 6,000 cards so I know you all care. Please keep up on this and thank you for your participation in the past and in the future to come.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Timeless Tuesday ...Wednesday
queen with the dang glitter on my eyelashes, eyebrows etc. That is why I limit myself to glitter use. Well stampers I hope your week will be just wonderful and I have a favor to ask of you all, please read my post tomorrow about my Cards 4 Kids program as some changes had to be made. See you then and happy stamping.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Timeless Thursday

Kiddos have off school for a few days so I took them out to do a bit of bowling. They loved it but I especailly loved our little trip afterwards to BBY ( which stands for Billings Best Yogurt) to fill our bellies with some real yum yum. Love that stuff and haven't had it in a good month or more.
Have to be bad once in awhile. Happy week fellow stampers. See you soon.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Windows are in....Yeah !
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Timeless Tuesday Wednesday
Are you going trick or treating??? I bought so much candy to pass out I'm sure before Sunday roles in I will have gained a few pounds and forget getting dressed up to try and fool the neighbors into thinking I'm just an oversized kid yelling for candy etc. Anyway this is a Halloween set that Flourishes put out new this year and I stole a few of the stamps from the
DD to use and make a card. Easy as all get out as I just stamped, colored, blended a bit, used some glitter and a bit of chalk and done.
Going to the home site tonight to take some up to date pictures as they have installed my windows. My darling G-son told me once the home was closed up I could move on in....I think he was just kidding but with teens you just never know. Hope your week is going well and I'll be back with my new photos sometime tomorrow.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
A house is not a home ....just yet!
Weds. The guys are really slow as they take a couple hour break for lunch and I guess tea time or just pass the gas time ....who knows BUT the electrician came out today and was not happy with their tooting around and so they got a bit more work done. Have a few issues I need to get straightened out such as my master bathroom shower area but I will get on it and see that it is done right. It's coming....Yeah!!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Timeless Tuesday for Flourishes
My house is in slow progress but I'm walking down tonight and grab some photos to share. Have a fun week fellow stampers.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Time for Timeless Tuesday

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Timeless Tuesday

I got myself a personal trainer at the gym...his name is Rory and he's a super beefed up dude. He's going to work on me...well not on me but with me starting this Friday. My body is in agony from the workout I did yesterday on all those crazy machines but I will keep at it so it learns to take it like a man. I lost another 5lbs. and am determined to get myself in good shape. Still no cowboy but what the heck life is what it is and I really can't complain. Talk soon.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Home Update...floors are poured and drying
Have to tell you we had a fun weekend starting with my grandson Cal winning his football game and WOW his team is 4-0...pretty dang good team I'd say. Partied into the evening as DD's in-laws are leaving to winter in Arizona and we all had to say good bye. Today was a SU camp and everything was Halloween and it was fun. So I'll talk to you next week.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Better late then never...
Been busy doing pretty much nothing as I am trying to find myself. Did have a really fun time last week when DD and I went to a gold party...no we did not pan for gold but instead took our old gold out of wherever and I did not take my crowns off my teeth but instead searched my jewelry box and found some old stuff that brought in $155. I convinced DD to have a party at her abode and that is scheduled for sometime in October. Hope you are all well and tomorrow or soon I will post my new house pictures. I now have a garage floor and also a basement floor. They are due to start the framing on Tuesday and then it will look like a house. YES!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Timeless Tuesday....Celebration
Well Miss Dee is hostessing the challenge and she says to celebrate and you can celebrate anyway you want so....I love Halloween so I am celebrating it today a bit in advance. This is from Flourishes Halloween set and as the phrase says " I'm witching you a Happy Halloween". I think someone stole my boots and made a stamp out of them cause these are just my cup of brew when in comes to Halloween celebrating. And hey, speaking of brew I guess before you know it the time will come to make some of my favorite "Witches Brew". Care to join me in a cup or two or three or four? Wow that made my head spin just thinking of that brew. If you want it to be spooky brew just add a little food coloring...I like purple as it's dark and dreary for a night of fright and fun. Ooops I degressed a bit so back to the card. All I did was stamp, color, add a bit of matching ribbon by Paper Studio which is a copied thier matching DP. A bit busy but I loved the paper and ribbon and decided to use it. I'm not happy with my picture but it's a new camera and I'm trying to get used to it. Probably doesn't work as well as it would if it were red hot red like my new computer and car. Oh, well can't win them all. Happy week bloggers and I'll talk again soon.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My Hole in the Ground
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
TT You're in the Spotlight!!
Well it's Timeless Tuesday at Flourishes and the challenge is to bring your image or part of it into the spotlight. I love being in the spotlight don't you??? Well not really, but there are times it's fun to have the spotlight put on you and so I decided to join the fun. For this one I used Flourishes Apple blossoms set which I had to borrow from DD as my stuff is still in storage. Reminds me of that song from the 40's ...I'll be with you in apple blossom time"..I know most of you are saying "what the heck is this old lady nuts" I never heard of such a song. Well it's an oldie but goodie. I tried something a bit different on this one by stamping in a soft pink ink for my card and then of course some black for the spotlight part. Used 2 circle punches to get the "in the spotlight" effect.
Stamp, color with your favorite source of coloring which of course for me are my water color pencils and then using a blender. Just added a bit of bling and some glitter on my spotlighted flowers. Easy peasy and oh so pleasy.
Fill in on the house building...the foundation was poured and is dry and today some cowboy was driving his back hoe up and down putting in gravel which I guess is the base before the concrete. Note I said " I guess" because I'm no expert when it comes to these things so I am just guessing, and besides I'm more interested in the dudes in the cowboy hats. I think for safety they sould make a cowboy hard hat...what do you think? Hopefully by tomorrow there will be some basement walls up. I will take some pictures and post so you can see the progress.
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