This stupendous work of art came from Karen of
http://6wackywomen.blogspot.com/ When I opened her donation to the card program, she had sent me this absolutely beautiful card with a Valentine wish inside. I know this is pergamano ( I think that's how you spell it) along with some very lovely thread weaving and that I'm not remembering what it is called...starts with a B. Wow Karen, this is so beautiful, I just took the liberty of sharing it my other blogging friends. Karen is a Canadian friend from the London area. Thanks so much for sharing your talent and giving me a great excuse for not making a card to post today. Just kidding eh! Love it.
What a jaw dropper this card is so lovely and elegant.
Patty I just want you to know that I have completed three sets of ATCs (10 of each kind) and 30 cards made on the Top Note die. Due to some family issues I have not been able to get to the P.O. but I should be getting all of these out no later than this Saturday. I just wanted you to know this so you can add these #s to your count. I am so happy that the response to your request has seems to be met with great inthusiasim by the stamping community. Hope you have a great day and God bless you.
Debbie/Phx AZ
Oh my word, this card is amazing!!!! Truly amazing!!!!
Wow this is just lovely and it couldn't happen to a lovelier person! Hoping to ship my box this next week. Have a great weekend Pat!!
I think the thread thing is Spirelli. It is a BEAUTIFUL card! It looks like it took forever to do!
WOW!! This card is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulatios to the one that made it...
Vivi Casale
OMG, how awesome is that?
Wow, you've received to date 2,063 valentines? That is so great. I'm having my 2nd grade cathecism class make some for the kids outside of your blog candy just as a rak, but I'll need your snail address. Can you email me it?
Gina Wrona
That card is gorgeous!!!
Oh my gosh this is exquisite!!
Holy Catnip this is BEAUTIFUL PAT!! I am so glad to hear how well the program is doing you must be on cloud nine!
This is absolutely amazing. I have never seen a card quite like this! WOW-- just stunning!
Simply Beautiful!
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