Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I hit 60,000 and want to share a bit of candy with my blogging friends! Just leave a comment here to be in the running. If you want to check out the goodies, the picture is on my sidebar. So sign in and put your name on the list and see if you can be the lucky duck winner!I'll draw a winner Wednesday June 2nd!!

Timeless Tuesday...make your own

Well Timeless Tuesday's challenge over at Flourishes is to make your own flowers. But since I didn't have time to grab the snot rag...oops I mean tissue and produce a flower, I grabbed a punch and started beating the living daylights out of it to "make" my own flowers. Love the Cuttlebug folder on this card, it truly is one of my favorites ( a gift from DD, wouldn't you know!). So the card is done by such a simple plan, use punch watch flowers bloom right in front of your eyes, add some centers made up of bling, add a phrase from Around the Arbor and viola you are fini. Feel like being French today. Happy day fellow stampers and remember to come back before the day is out for a picture of my blog candy. Moving slow today but will get back with the goodies.

Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday challenge...askew

Well Ok then I have to askew ( that's blog talk for ask you) is my image askew??? I think that's not all that's askew this week. First the critter is in and then out and then my deck sealer is crap for the birds so my whole week is askew. Hopefully things will be better over the weekend. My card is for the Friday challenge at notimetostamp which was to make your image be askew or off center I guess. It's hard for me because being off center and askew is the norm for my life lately. Dang it's tough getting old and I'm not dealing too well. Soooo....here's my card with my image off to the left. I used the lillies from Flourishes calendar set and little phrase from their tag along set. Easy peasy card with minor coloring on the flowers some nifty BG ( DD gave me for my birthday) put out by Glitz. Added some lace to the side bar and fini.
Well here it is the weekend again and I regret to inform you I missed Timeless Tuesday this week as I was busy as a bee...buzzing along with my prep to get things in order so I can sell this huge house and quit working so hard. I have a party to attend tomorrow evening for my great nephew who turns 30 ( can't remember back to those days) and so his Mom who's my oldest niece is throwing a party. Hope your weekend is full of fun and hey guess what??? I need to offer up some blog candy for hitting over 60,000 hits. Can't believe it, I think I'll have to shed a few tears on that one. I feel the love with all those visits. So next week I'll post some goodies and you can enter to win. Come back around Weds. and I'll have it up and ready for grabs.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Gimme a Break...literally
Well here's the deal, I've been really busy trying to get rid of my junk to get a real estate agent in to put my house on the market. Also as you know, I have had other things going on like the critter who Ofcr. Dave assures me is out of my life. Well I haven't heard any noise in several days now and my law enforcement buddy is keeping a close tab on things. The critter apparently found a way in and found a way out...which doesn't make me happy because my home looks pretty well sealed up to me but anyway the whatever ( Dave...we're on a first name bases now think's it was a squirrel and he feels he is gone)is not my issue anymore. Took me a day to clean out my dining room and move things back to the basement where my craftroom is. So Timeless Tuesday may be Timeless this week and happen on Thursday or Friday. Who knows??? I'm so tired I want to take some of that NiQuil stuff that makes's the stuffy & sneezy makes you so damn dizzy, you just give in and sleep medication. So I'll be back in a few days.I'm using my own telephone technique...not caller ID but ignore it ID. Happy week fellow stampers.

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Critter update!!! Still present...
Well Officer Dave our animal control guy came out yesterday and said not to worry it's probably a squirrel and he'll come back on Monday with a trap. I said...but you don't understand, I'm terrified hearing those noises, it's scary and it makes me nervous. Don't worry he says it's up in the ceiling and can't get you but you will hear the noises. Can't leave a trap over the weekend and I'm thinking you mean I get to have 3 nights with no sleep??? Well the little bugger went to sleep when I did and was apparently lazy cause I didn't hear any noise until around 9 this morning. I told Officer Dave if he rings the bell and there's no answer to just break in and step over my body to get the trap set. What a life. Hey it's Armed Forces Day so if you see a service man...buy him a beer.

Friday, May 14, 2010
Friday challenge...sketch

Well today's challenge at notimetostamp is a sketch challenge done by the sweet Jennifer Buck. I love sketch challenges because it makes it so easy on you and of course you also get the idea for future layouts. Not layouts like sunbathing types but card types in case you didn't know that. I used my Flourishes Gerber Daisy set and picked out the small bunch to fit in my cute Nestie rectangle ( not wreck tangled)set to stamp and set it up for a nice presentation. Just used my colored pencils and not much work to it at all. Added some ribbon and a bit of bling and the word "friend" which is from Flourishes tag alongs. Easy peasy card.
As I sit here typing I'm actually ready for a heart attack...I'm spooked out as there is definetly something in my house making all sorts of sounds. Yikes! I called our animal control department and she said they'll call back. I'm like wetting my pants with fear and they'll call back??? I think it's a raccoon but don't know how the hells bells it could have gotten in. Whatever it is, I hear racing and jumping and that's not my heart but the "whatever". They better send someone before it's night time or I will have to go somewhere else to sleep as it's upstairs and that's where my bedrooms are.
Well I had a great birthday all the way through. We had a "Girl's night Out" and I don't mean the kind that you go without a bra but the kind you actually go out and have fun. Great day! Happy weekend one and all and that means the whatever up in my second floor. Get out of there and have your own party cause you're not invited here. See you next week.

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Hey it's me birthday...Wow the big 7 3

My friend Lindy always and I do mean always finds the cutest darn cards for my birthday and this is no exception. The inside reads..Ah well...what's a fart among friends! Happy Birthday. It's so true cause as we get older those little gas buggers just seem to slip out at the worse times ever...but after a bit you just slightly turn your head very demurely and pretend like you didn't hear or smell a thing. That's about the only great thing about getting older that you can claim...the ability to just pretend. I'm not complaining about adding another year by any stretch of the imagination or body. Crap happens but so do many wonderful things. I have great friends and this means you guys reading this, 2 awesome kids, 2 super duper grand kids, and well I could go on and on but I want to get this party started. I'm off today for lunch with my best friend Lindy and then to dinner with 2 more best friends Diane and Joanne. Love them all and I guess they kind of like me too. Happy Birthday Old Lady ! P.S. Since DD is saying I was so OLD when I had her she is back to her old name of Dust Rag. Love her anyways!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Timeless Tuesday...Picture it

Well today's challenge at Timeless Tuesday is to picture it.The adorable Maki Jones is our hostess. Although it sounds a bit confusing ( what me confused, how strange is that?) it's really a great challenge. So of course I decided to play cause I do every week. I found a picture in one of my mag's and scanned it and used it for by background..not as ingenious as Dee Jackson who scanned her dress. I said... Woa Mama when I saw that one but it is so beautiful I guess I'll have to start checking out my closet and see what I can do along those lines. This photo looks a bit lop sided but I guess that's an octopus illusion which is bigger then an optical illusion. We have a black and rainy day so I had to deal with it. Simple card by just using my mag. page and a few Nesties, my calendar set pansy and a tag along phrase from of course Flourishes. Done and I have to rush off to the gym to give my trainer buddies a quick thrill. Love those muscular dudes, they make me feel so good I have to keep working to keep them passing out those awesome compliments. Have a good week fellow bloggers. See you later aligator.

Friday, May 7, 2010
Friday challenge...Mom's Day Theme

Well today's challenge at notimetostamp is to do a Mother's Day card or project or whatever you want as long as it's Mom themed I guess. I had to keep it simple but that's what the challenge is all about ...stamp simply. I used my Cuttlebug folder to emboss the long stemed flowers along the side and then just slapped some polka dotted paper as my BG ( that's background if you're blogging illiterate) and then my Nestie special something or other to make a couple mats to glue down also. Then a simple yet very to the point verse from Flourishes mother's set and a few blings ...done.
Well it's time for the weekend and a special one for all us Mom's out there. All our snot nosed kids are going to try and butter us up with cards, flowers, candy and whatever they think will fool the old broad with some joy. Just kidding, I know my two kids love me and I say...back at you. My Mom is gone now for 6 years and she was the best Mom I could have ever asked for. I miss you Mom and you too Will ( that's my darling husband who passed away 2 weeks after my Mom) Also I'm saying a Happy Birthday to my Will who I'm sure is up in heaven looking down and just shaking his head thinking...crazy lady will never change. Love you both.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Timeless Tuesday

Well I guess I'm being an "old" softy on this one and I don't mean like those Dairy Queen softies that are all cold, mushy, and drippy but rather soft and delicate( wow that's a stretch, even for me )but I mean in my colors.What's with the pastel mood you ask??? Well it's that time of year with Mother's Day this week and I've been outdoors working in the yard and my trees are all in bloom with the wonderful soft colors of pinks, lavender, and white. It is so beautiful to behold. So I used this new Flourishes stamp set which by the way....I WON by doing Timless Tuesday , so if you're smart and I know most of you are, well join in . Who knows you may be next. This week the adorable .Silke Ledlow is doing the challenge and says to make a card and a gift type item ( a bag, box, or whatever ) that matches up. I did a bag and a topper and added my Flourishes set called Spring Bouquets...Lovely set with some nice phrases to use for Mom's special day. I am going to fill the bag ( not me the bag, but the paper real bag) with some goodies and give it to my darling niece Punkin ( yep her real name is Patricia..can you guess who she's named after?) who has been carrying that nickname for almost 60 years now. She invited me ...well I lied, I invited myself along to a real smashing brunch at the Dearborn Inn. We went before and it is unbelievable...prime rib, ham, chicken and I could go on and on and of course breakfast food for the fools that won't partake in a real feast. But back to business here, my card and bag was just done with my colored pencils and I didn't even use a blender as I just wanted a hint of color. I had to put the green tag on because I smeared the words when I stamped it on the white cardstock so I did a little cover up and you know what? I like it like that. So that's the story for today. Hope you are all behaving yourself. I have now lost a total of 23# ( # that's short for pounds) and I am dancing and skipping with joy. I think the trainers at the gym are REALLY starting to take me serious. Who knows maybe in my next life I'll be the new Jackie LaLane. See you soon bloggers.
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