Well today is my son Justin's birthday and he really is 29 today...no joke, it's for real. Happy Birthday and happy "new" life. He left Michigan Friday to head out to start a new life in Broomfield, Colorado. He left me a voice message that I heard this a.m. that he arrived safe and sound. Well maybe not so sound, but very tired after the 2 day drive. His fiance Callie took her little Corgi dog with her ( they took 2 cars) and they had to make several potty stops for Diva the dog. But they are there in a new place to start a good life with something they can't find here in Michigan...JOBS. Good luck to you and Happy Birthday to Justin.
This card was done with the Corvette stamp which I received from by good friend Mary Schreiber who lives in Minnesota.It's part of a set of Chevy cars from the stamp company The Angel Company. This is the first time I've heard of this company but I love this '57 corvette which was my dear husband Will's first Corvette that he restored. Brings back such wonderful memories.