TT at Flourishes ask us to use checks or houndstooth.....what the heck is houndstooth you ask??
Well I think that's a mighty strange name for a check BUT that's what it's called so I decided to go with it. It was a wool patterned material used for "peg skirts" back in the day ( like the 50's and 60's) the tight hip hugging type that came below the knee and had a slit up the back about 2-3 inches. We thought they were mighty sexy back then. Anyway I used this Mae West image from Glamour Girls and my bg is the hounds tooth pattern. She's a bit smudged because my cardstock didn't want to co-operate when I went to blend but I said oh well and just went with it. As we get older that's more the way of life...we accept what happens and move on.
Cold here only in the 20's this a.m. and we just finished up with snow. Hope it's better tomorrow for the Halloween tricksters. Happy Halloween fellow witchy poos.