Well today's Timeless Tuesday is a sketch that Silke designed and I love to do sketches because that means someone does the work for me and I elementaryily just copy it and make it my own. Looks like I was a bit tipsy when I took this picture but I was fighting a very bad cloudy day and was trying to make it work...so just tilt your head a bit to the left and it will look a little more straight. Sorry about that. I just used my Spellbinder's die cuts and the small flower from the Flourishes Sweet Pea collection...the word is from the hyacinth set. Easy peasy and maybe a bit pleasy who knows! Hope you are off to a good start for this week. Easter here was a wonderful warm and sunny day of just sitting in the sun drinking in all of it...especially my wonderful bottle of White Merlot by Mr. Behringer. Got to love that man for making such a delish wine. Had fun playing card Scrabble and Uno..we all had a lot of good time and hope your day was great also. Talk later.