we are to do a card that's kind of country. I'm a little bit country ( Montana) and a little bit rock and roll ( Michigan)
so this is right up my alley or country lane. Wait while I take that piece of straw out of my lip so I can see where I'm going with this. There that's better and away I go. I chose the Peaches & Cherries set and thought it was reminiscence of my Gramma's yard back in Canada. Did you ever sneek into a fruit tree when you were a kid and hoped and prayed you wouldn't get caught? Of course you did and so did I. Picking and eating peaches that are not ripe is not a great thing to do though. It makes for a pretty rotten tummy ache so you've been warned. This image was colored with my water colored pencils and I decided to try a little patch work with my papers. Added a doilie for Gramma and a bit of baker's twine to finish it off. Don't look now but I did this card arse backwards...it was supposed to be all plastered on in an up and down fashion but I goofed and put it on sideways with the opening on the wrong side. Don't know what I put in my coffee but maybe I'm woozey.
Anyway I hope you all have a good week and take time to have some fun. See you next time.