Well picture this if you can...I'm a huge pregnant woman with swollen feet the size of an elephant's and because it is snowing an inch a minute I need to get on boots. What do I do??? Thank goodness for mothers, as mine was ready to help this big humongous bellied woman get some boots on so she can go to the hospital and deliver her darling baby girl. Where is the father during all this you ask....well I scream asked that very question and his gentle reply from his office telephone, " I'm writing a report I have to get out and I'll meet you at the hospital as soon as I finish. Well needless to say I'm not a happy cramper ( labor pains hurt a bit ) so I scream & holler to no avail getting madder by the minute but give up and head for the hospital. I won't tell you how mad I was, I think you get the picture. Anyway DH shows up several hours later as calm as can be, asking how I'm doing. How the *@#*#* blankidy blank do you think I'm doing...I'm in labor ! Well after 26 blissfull hours,( yeah, right!) I was finally in the delivery room having my DD Julie. I guess you wonder why I have Raggedy Ann on for her birthday wishes. Well back in the day, everyone did pink or blue nurseries and I did red, white, and blue with Raggedy Ann and Andy. It was a cute room for an adorable baby, my Julie. So, Happy Birthday Julie and even though I can't be with you, you are in my heart as you are with your Dad ( who sends his love from heaven). I won't tell everyone how old you are cause I know you'd kill me but I will give them a hint....thirty....what rhymes with mate??? Can you guess?? Ya can if you think about it a little. Go on over to her blog and wish her a happy day.