Hi one and all,
I started this blog while on a visit to my daughter Julie and her family, who live in Billings, Montana. I spent 2 weeks there and got in a lot of stamping. Julie took a tip from Michigan and started a Christmas card club. This is an awesome plan to get involved in. You attend the club meetings once a month but leave each meeting with 15 ready to send Christmas cards. You have 3 designs and make 5 of each so you end up with 15. The plan is to go to the club in Sept. Oct. Nov. and December, so when you have done this you end up with 60 cards ready to mail to friends and family. Cool! What an easy and quick way to get those cards done and of course you have fun with the other stampers while attending. Love it! I did my first class at a wonderful store in Troy, Michigan called "My Craft Room".
I was happy that Julie took my idea and started a club in Billings so I still got my November class in. Also while in Billings I attended the annual stamp camp held by the Stampression stamp store. Lots of fun and dinner also. The cards on the blog were a combination of the Christmas card club and stamp camp so they were not my own designs but they are nice cards and I am sharing them with you. Enjoy.